
Custom Software - A Red Flag ?

Is custom software and tools a strategic advantage or a red flag? Turns out, it can be both depending on how you look at it. The solution, manage it properly.

Prepare the Field

It may be tempting to start building or adding software right away. It can be a "fun" and rewarding experience. Something new. But are you ready to get the most of it ?

Is it a real issue?

You may be presented with a lot of solutions. Would they solve your problems? Do you even have relevant issues?

Always start with 'why?', with the problem. Maybe the best way isn't the best for you.

Minimum Effort Required

Want to increase the adoption of your automation and tools. Don't ask for too much from your users.

Seamless Integration

Ensure a better acceptance of your tools and process by integrating them smartly into your existing environment.

Who do you need ?

Developer, engineer, free-lancer, consultant, ... who do you need to build your vision ?

Code Audit

"The client doesn't care about the code." ...

Question the unknowns

A counterpoint, well, sort of ... to yesterday's post is : you should get answers to your unknowns ASAP even if those are hard to get.

You don't want to spend time making progress on anything unless you know that reaching the goal is achievable within yo

Quick Wins Are Important

Keep the morale up. Keep the ball rolling. Maintain momentum, motivation and importance of your project.

But don't forget the big picture, hard things have to be done too. They matter and differentiate you. If not, just drop them.

Benefits of moving away from spreadsheets

If your business relies heavily on spreadsheets (Excel, Google Sheets, Numbers, ...) to run, saasifying them may be a good idea, here are 6 reasons why you should consider it.

Problem solving and innovation

A figure from Alan Weiss' book 'Million Dollar Consulting' gives a great overview of what is a fix, what is innovation and why you should always have some kind of monitoring on what matters to you and your business.

[DevNotes] What's my mobile data consumption ?

At the moment, I am spending some time in Hong-Kong. As I use a pre-paid SIM card, one thing I face once in a while is to know that my mobile data allowance is expiring / has expired.

Unfortunately, I realise it only when I can't connect anymore... it is

Conflict of Interest

Be wary, if you have one person doing it all. You may not get what's best for you.

Bundled vs Un-bundled

One tool for all or one tool for each job ? That's the choice between a bundled or separate stack. Choose wisely.

Customize default pages

Some pages from your website, flow, ... may be an afterthought as they are not part of the core of your offering. Those "default" pages are also blank canvases that you can use to deliver a better user experience.


Backups are important. We know it, it is mentioned all the time. Here is a quick summary of what to consider for doing it effectively.

Getting Buy-In

Any endeavour success will be decided by the execution to build the solution, but also by how well it is accepted by the various stakeholders. It is necessary to do whatever you can to get them to buy in what you propose.

Use Version Control

Version Control keep tracks of changes you and your team make to your code. You need it!

Push vs Pull

Everyday, we absorb tons of useless information and scramble to find what we need or want to know. You can change that to be more peaceful and efficient.


Each week or months, the tech world has its new buzzwords. ChatGPT, Web3, Blockchain... Following all trends is risky and inefficient. Focus on what you need to do and then evaluate the options. But keep things simple.

The Happy Path

The happy path is the most common process. What is followed when there is no issue or special case. Treat this one first and try to merge branches into it if possible.

Get Results Fast

It can be tempting to just give some requirements to a developer, let him disappear for some time to build and only show up when a product is ready. Don't! The risk and costs related far outweigh the benefits.

Monitor Everything

Issues will happen, problem will come up, expectedly or not, visibly or invisibly. The worst that can happen is you not knowing and reacting mindfully to a situation.

Opportunity Cost

Opportunity Cost is the cost associated with not doing B while having to do A.

It may be one of the most important reasons why you should consider saasisfy your work.

Own & Control

It can be tempting to let 3rd parties manage everything. Especially if you don't understand what they are doing for you. Stay in control!


Dashboards are great tools to assist in your day to day operations. While spreadsheets can be good starting points, a well built dashboard can bring you more benefits, including freeing you from the task altogether!

Platform Risk

With the rise of XaaS (X as a Service), businesses rely more and more on outside vendors. But convenience and ease of use comes at a cost. What happens if the supplier change its offering or worse disappear ?

Keep It Simple, Stupid (KISS)

This principle originates from the first half of the 1900's. The name is self-explanatory. The idea is to make processes as easy as possible to understand.

KISS principle - WikipediaWikimedia Foundation, Inc.Contributors to Wikimedia projects

For your

No Mobile App Required

In most cases, I would advocate building your tools as a web application. It is available 24/7 from anywhere on any device.

What it means is that your application will be hosted on a server. Each user will be able to access it using a web browser, on the

Tech Stack Doesn't Matter...

Your tech stack (languages and frameworks you use to build your software) doesn't matter to you. It is nonetheless one of the most important choice you'll have to make.

Make It Pretty

Put your best foot forward with an interface that represents you. It doesn't cost that much and can yield big rewards.

Know Your Why

One of the key aspects when deciding to Saasify your work is to know WHY.

Why are you willing to embark on the journey.

I personally think that whatever your why is, you are making a good decision that will make your business better.

However, I know th

About Saasify.Work

Building software for your business can be scary, especially if you don't have a technical background.

It doesn't have to be.

With, the aim is to bring 15+ years of knowledge and experience building SaaS, internal tools and automations to s

What Is Saasify ?

I define the term Saasify as the process of making a SaaS out of existing services / product / tools.

The idea behind it is that you have an existing offering. You want to be more efficient at delivering to your clients, both old and new. Using software

Do Not Build A SaaS

Build towards having a SaaS.

If you have read our article 'What is SaaS' you know our position is about building a full-blown SaaS for your service business.

The summary is we strongly believe that NO, you shouldn't. But also think that you should build

It Depends ...

That would be our main answer, to most of the questions you have. And, yes, we know it is not what you want to hear.

We wish we had a better answer, something that can really move the needle for you. Something you can refer to. But that would be irrespon

SaaS Explained

SaaS stands for "Software as a Service".

It's a way of delivering software applications over the internet. In most cases users don't need to install the software on their own device. They access it through their web browser or app for convenience.
